Friday, January 31, 2020

Feast Your Eyes on the Mademoiselle Prive Camellia Watch by CHANEL


Who would have thought of placing a camellia flower on a watch face? CHANEL, of course.

The Mademoiselle Prive Camellia watch is part of the Mademoiselle Prive Collection. With each watch, the camellia is elaborately carved, intricately etched, and ultimately skillfully honed by the hands of an incomparable CHANEL watchmaker into a three dimensional masterpiece of art.

This watch encompasses Gabriel CHANEL's personal enthusiasm for both the delicate beauty of the camellia blossom and the intense ornate landscaping of coromandel panels. Add bit of white gold, a bunch of diamonds, a CHANEL stamp, and there you have it. Combined, they cohesively reveal the spirit of elegance and luxury that is CHANEL.

As you may know, the beauty of the Mademoiselle Prive Camellia watch cannot be found in a replica.